The winning 2013 Calendar and Diaries stars. A great big thank you for sending us your pictures and stories. We had a fantastic response and loved reading all about your gorgeous ones.
Sadly there are only 12 places to fill and I had to make sure that we had an equal balance of breeds, colours and compositions but the good news is I now have lots of new models and ideas for card designs so if you haven’t made it into the 2013 calendars and diaries then watch out for a special greeting card coming through your door. Rest assured, any mutts and moggies I draw will be notified and showered with samples to send to family and friends!
The diaries and calendars will be printed and on sale by mid September so all the winners will be contacted and their prize copies sent.
It has been a true delight to work on this project, in fact I have enjoyed it so much I think we should meet here next year and do it all again!
Anna Danielle studied printed textiles at Winchester School of Art. Her final degree work featured cows, lots and lots of cows. Each student was required to have a quote or sentence that best described their work. As Anna’s artwork has always been animal based, simple and full of gentle humour and being in a bovine frame of mind she chose the line from the Over the Moon nursery rhyme “the little dog laughed to see such fun” which later became her final choice of company name.
Many thanks
Anna Danielle