Drum roll please.
It’s time to reveal your 2018 superstars
Ladies and gentlemen, here are the superstars who will take you through the months of 2018.
Actually, before I do the big reveal, I must say a couple of thank you’s. First and foremost, thank you to all who entered. The response was incredible this year. Over 1500 photos via Facebook and email. (Which is one of the reasons I couldn’t respond to you all personally). So much brilliant inspiration, you really did spoil me with your fur baby pics!
I’d also like to say a special thank you to a very lovely lady who proofed my calendar text when she really should have been enjoying her summer holiday. It’s amazing what you can achieve from the other side of the world, propped up a sun lounger whilst sipping on a pina colada. Becky T, you are marvellous.
Ok, I’ve kept you waiting long enough. Let’s do this!
Hmmm, mutts or moggies?…
I’m going to say cats first because I’m secretly rather pleased with this year’s effort.
Congratulations everyone.
Thank you for entering and standby for your complimentary samples and limited edition personal print.
To see the full artwork and story of each superstar either purchase your copy of the
calendar or diary shop now or visit the Hall of Fame* section on our website.
Mr January – Neville c/o Janet Smith
Miss March – Dot c/o Family Hippisley’s
Mr May – Hannibal c/0 Family Watt’s
Miss July – Illy c/o Family Davison
Mr September – Teddy c/o Amy Cooper
Mr November – Charley c/o Family Bowcott
Mr February – Cici c/o Katie Gray’s friend
Miss April – Martha c/o Marie Huges
Miss June – Cleo c/o Gemma
Mr August – Tigger c/o Emma
Miss October – Willow c/o Family Norris
Mr December – Casey c/o Tanya Rowe
And now for the dogs.
Mr January – Sabre c/o Family Wright
Miss February – Bella c/o Katie Heeson
Mr March – Alfie c/o Family Taylor
Mr April – Barney c/o Family Wishart
Mr May – Bertie c/0 Family Wooster
Miss June – Storm c/o Katherine Brown
Family July – Shaymus, Bella & George c/o Family Greene
Miss August – Mango c/o Jayne Graham
Miss September – Betty c/o Josephine
Family October – Taylor, Merlin, & Cassie c/o Joe Nutkin
Mr November – Reno c/o Jules Churchill
Family December – For Harold, Carrot & Sprout c/o Jacqui Watts
Tadarr, the Magnificent Moggies’ & Scruffy Mutts’ 2018 Diaries
If you are unfamiliar with this competition and would like to know how I make my final choices then read on! I tend to follow a bit of a pattern. Clear photos are always a good start and your pets in different poses is a definite plus. I try to get a variety of breeds to ensure the calendar and diary are interesting to all. This does prove harder with the cat version. Sometimes the story tempts me more than the imagery but this year was very much about my instant likes. It’s only when I began to collate the stories that I discovered the large number of rescues I had chosen this year, maybe a bit of subliminal thought processing as I’ve just adopted two rescues myself. Once I have filled a folder with “potentials” I finally get going on the artwork. I did have quite a few failures this year. Sometimes everything I draw looks like a toddler could do better with their big toe. On these days I walk away, start something new and try not to worry about the looming deadline. This project takes on average three to four very intensive weeks to complete the artwork and then another four full weeks to format the calendar and diary, write and proof the text. By the time it leaves the building I am SO done with 2018.
The Project Highlights?
Scrolling through your photos and discovering a “must drawn”. Creating a drawing I’m personally happy with, although these always prove to be the least popular with everyone else!
The Project Low Points.
Spending a small fortune on physio to work out the shoulder and neck kinks due to my “sack of spuds” work posture. The state of my home due to total domestic chore abandonment for over three weeks. Seeing the end result and mulling over the if only’s and should haves.
And finally …
Please do not feel disheartened if your superstar hasn’t made it into this year’s calendar. I have a few greeting card surprises to announce and a “inspirational muse” folder which is fit to bursting. In a nutshell, keep ’em peeled because there is much more to come and you could well see your furry appearing on the next Little Dog product.
* Anyone who has visited our updated website lately may have spotted the Hall of Fame section which currently stands empty. Some time soon, this will feature every superstar with their story to appear on the Little Dog calendars. Hopefully I will have this done by the end of September.
That’s all folks,
Thank you and goodnight