Miss March 2016 Cat Calendar
Introducing Dolly. Miss March 2016 Cat Calendar
Dolly The Mini Cat. Dolly deigned to join The Sangers family in April 2015. Joanne & Tony adopted her from another family who had recently moved to a busy town from a rural area and no longer felt it was a safe environment for a young cat to grow up in. At the grand old age of two Dolly weighs all of 4lb. To say she is tiny is an understatement, but do not be fooled into thinking this small ball of fluff is harmless.
Dolly is the Napoleon of the cat world (big cat in a little body) she terrorises all the local cats including their soppy dog, Apple, a working Cocker Spaniel who runs to sit in a chair whenever Dolly enters the room. Despite this Joanne says, “We have come to love Dolly and all her little quirks dearly”. Apple declined to comment.