Your 2025 Superstar Winners

Your Calendar and Diary 2025 Superstars Revealed

Apologies for making you wait far longer than promised but at long last I can reveal the superstars that will be accompanying you as you make your way through 2025! As always I want to start with a huge thank you to everyone who entered, you NEVER disappointment me with beautiful snapshots of your furry ones and lovely sentiments filled with humour and so much love. Your entries are simply the best tonic to the misery and stupidity that fills our daily news. I have saved all your messages and photos and will continue to draw throughout the summer and autumn as I have another project bubbling away on the stove. So if your furry one doesn’t appear in this post, fear not, all hope is not lost! Quite often my drawing ability deserts me and I have to accept defeat in the moment but I always return to the ones that got away. Sometimes, a fresh day and a different mindset are all that is needed.

What’s NEW for 2025?

Well, I’m so glad you asked! Firstly, the calendars and diaries will be available for purchase in July. I’ll confess, I am a late Jan/Feb girl when it comes to buying a calendar for the year but it turns out many of you are super organised and like to make plans for the following year half way through the one you are in. This fact truly blows my fluffy mind but I do hope their early availability will add some ‘organised and on it‘ satisfaction to your summer. The other new element for these calendars and diaries is an injection of frivolity. I’ve added a nod of treasure hunting to the pages by sprinkling some 20% discount loyalty codes which are active on specific dates. They may just fall on a week when you need to get a card or gift and the joy of saving some pennies will hopefully make you smile. It’s another thank you from us for being a loyal part of our gang!  Also, following on from your suggestions, I’ve added more illustrations to the diary pages and a couple of updates to make it the ultimutt diary to admirey!!!

So without further ado, here are your 2025 superstars!

Felines first.

Your Magnificent Moggies Calendar Muses


Squinty | Mr January 2025

Max | Mr February 2025

Lily Christmas | Miss March 2025

Ollie | Mr April 2025

Isabella | Miss May 2025

Louis | Mr June 2025

Bear & Bella | July 2025

Cooper | Mr August 2025

Rupert | Mr September 2025

Pickles | Miss October 2025

Caesar | Mr November 2025

Kouki | Miss December 2025

The Scruffy Mutts’ 2025 Calendar

Genie | Miss January 2025

Flash | Mr February 2025

Belle | Miss March 2025

Fergal | Mr April 2025

Darcy | Miss May 2025

Woody | Mr June 2025

Archie & Basil  | Masters July 2025

Rodney | Mr August 2025

Lilly | Miss September 2025

Chester | Mr October 2025

Bacchus | Mr November 2025


Florence & Len | December 2025

And those are your winners. I hope you like them!

I’m planning to add a few more muses to feature in the clipboard desk calendars but these will be an exclusive Little Dog website product and  available from September. To the muse owners, congratulations. Your complimentary calendar and diary will be with you by August alongside a bespoke 10″x 12″ print and any product the artwork later appears on. I will be in touch individually for your preferred postal addresses.

Take care folks and remember, always share your toast, apparently it’s top of the canine “Is your human any good” list! And don’t forget, you can purchase your calendars and diaries this July.

Best wishes

Anna Danielle


  1. What a lovely idea to create calendar’s of peoples furry loved ones, I’ve cried at some of them.
    I love what you do keep it up sending lots of love xx

  2. I can’t believe my two fur babies are in your calendar and diary. The calendar has always been up in my kitchen. I love reading about all the fur babies. Both calendars and diary’s make great gifts and they are such great quality. Love and thanks to Anna

  3. What a gorgeously produced cat diary!

    Lovely animals and carers. I have a soft spot for the tabbies (live with a lovely one) but LOVE Rupert.

    Only wish for merch (bag/purse) with Harvey, the white cat, Boudicca (Boo), the Jack Russell, Sprogg, the Podenco dog, and ‘The Cat And His Boy’.

    Such sweet, sweet animals; loving the lighter, floral colours on the card design backdrops too!

    • Hi Madeleine, thank you for your kind comments and suggestions. You’ve added a lovely bounce to the day! Just received a text to say the calendars and diaries should be ready in the next 10 days. That will be a Little Dog first if it comes true!!! Have a good day, many thanks, Anna

  4. Thanks for the update, I look forward to the Little Dog Bounce on every month page of 2025! (Though I’m going to do a separate order now, just incase the Printers..)

    I second all the comments on here, Little Dog Affinitates (maybe a made up word) receptive to some soul nourishing, touched by the animals given great justice here.

    I’m going to try my luck in next year’s comp, my secret weapon is, after a year, my cat will let me take his photo when he is awake (and I do like to see his eyes!).

    The consolation prize, is it is hard to find a cat, an animal lover doesn’t like, so we all win.

    Thanks again, will keep my eyes peeled for 2025 diary.

  5. Thank you so much for feauturing out beautiful soulful Flash! I cant wait to see these – shall be ordering a few!!! Such beautiful artwork, capturing the twinkle in every animals eye, their personalities and characters shine through. Can so clearly see the love in every one of your pieces. Amazing!

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