Miss May 2015 Cat Calendar
Introducing Pollyanna. Miss May 2015 Cat Calendar
When Pollyanna arrived in Margaret’s life she was a very naughty, strong-willed little kitten. A dark, chocolate brown semi-long-haired cat with a huge tail and green eyes, Pollyanna had worked hard on perfecting her evil look and still uses it to great effect whenever the mood takes her. She shares her home with many other felines due in part to Margaret’s job as a cat socialiser but mainly because Margaret has a huge heart and can’t bear to leave any cat (young or old, healthy or disabled) out in the cold. Pollyanna has settled down nicely into middle age but still retains a strong sense of self and isn’t afraid to make her likes or dislikes well known. She is also wise enough to retreat to higher ground when little humans are around!