Miss September 2019 Cat Calendar
Introducing Meggsy. Miss September 2019 Cat Calendar
Six weeks into her fostering role Joanne knew she was destined for failure. Despite only ever owning dogs, Joanne responded to the local rescue shelter’s plea for help. Meggsy, named after Ginger Meggs, an Australian comic book character was part of a house clearance where thirty two cats were taken in by the shelter. Very small, shy, painfully thin and with brittle fur, Meggs was not coping well. Joanne soon discovered that roast chicken and Meggsy’s full tummy was the way to win her love and trust. Beautiful and now with a resplendently thick coat which is brushed daily, she has a set of lungs that power an almighty loud meow and is the boss of all soft surfaces. Home simply wouldn’t be home without her.