Mr July 2016 Cat Calendar

Mr July 2016 Cat Calendar

Introducing Tabby McTat. Mr July 2016 Cat Calendar

Tabby McTat The Tabby Cat. Three years ago Tabby McTat, previously known as Mr Till felt he was in need of a new abode. His search covered a three mile radius and finally he found the perfect location. He chose the McPherson’s family home and began his bid to join the family by camping out on their drive way and showering them with enthusiastic, leg curling, super loud purring hellos. After a few weeks of micro chipping detective work which resulted in an address but no ownership claims, Tabby McTat became the sixth and much loved member of the Macca family. McTat is beyond soppy and affectionate allowing the then five year old Isla to scoop him up like a baby and carry him round the house. He sleeps anytime, any place, anywhere but he particularly loved the brand new sun lounger which within minutes of it’s arrival and erection Tabby McTat had claimed as his own. Yes, McTat feels he has definitely chosen his family well!


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